How sNews works

How sNews works

sNews does not work or look like your average HTML website. Static HTML sites can have 20, 40, or even 100 individual page-files within it. Each file uses the same template code combined with each page’s content. Each time we add a new page, we duplicate the template code, over and over again. As the site grows, it takes up a lot of space on the host server. When a viewer clicks a link to a page, the actual page-file is downloaded to the viewer’s computer.

The first major difference you will notice about sNews is that it only contains four essential files. You won’t find a login page or a sitemap page. They don’t physically exist. No other physical files are needed, yet the sNews website will display dozens of pages and and hundreds of articles. When a viewer clicks a link to a page, code is assembled on the server to create the page and send it to the viewer’s computer. Physically speaking, a sNews website takes up little space on the server and never really changes in size. This is done with the magic of PHP.

The sNews CMS uses PHP functions and a database to create virtual pages on the server. The PHP functions create all of a page’s components, mainly by gathering and assembling information contained in the database. The assembled data is then delivered to the viewer’s computer. Pages created dynamically (server-side) use less code and load faster for a more convenient viewer experience.